Even the Sun Sets in Paradise

[Saturday August 9, 2014]

Today was a nearly perfect day with a horrible, horrible end. But I guess without the bad, we wouldn’t appreciate the good as much.

3 smiles of today:

1. I am the proud new owner of a Baby Taylor guitar! 😀

I’ve had a Yamaha LL6 for a while now (it was my first guitar), but I am super excited about the Baby Taylor. It’s smaller, but, as with all Taylor guitars, the sound is absolutely amazing. I spent most of my morning and afternoon playing around on it. Honestly one of, if not the best gift I have ever gotten.

2. Chatted with a former teacher of mine.

She was one of my best teachers, and one of only two that I consider to have really made an impact on my life. However, she retired the year that I had her, so it was really nice to be able to talk with her again after over an year. (Plus, her and her husband were also the ones to give me the amazing gift mentioned above.)

3. New favourite Starbucks drink – Mocha Coconut Frappuccino. ❤

I got a sample of this drink yesterday as I was walking to the gym, so I decided to buy myself one to see if it was as good as I remembered it to be. (It was.) I think this may be my new favourite Starbucks drink! (Or at least my favourite Starbucks cold drink, since I’m still in love with the Caramel Flan and Pumpkin Spice Lattes.)


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