Hurricane of Sunshine

[Sunday August 3, 2014]

Today was a pretty hard day, filled with lots of tears and raised voices. But in any case…

3 smiles of today:

1. Going to Starbucks for the first time in over a month.

Sometimes, it’s the simpler things in life, such as a cup of coffee, that makes your outlook on life brighter. Ahhhhhhhhhh. 🙂

2. Painting at the studio.

I haven’t done any painting or visual arts in about 6 weeks, so being back in the art studio today was refreshing. It took some time to get back into it, but it was nice to be able to direct all my energy onto one task. Currently working on an acrylic still life painting.

3. Getting my first comment on this blog!

There’s something really exciting about when someone leaves a comment, and today marked the first comment that was left on this blog. So thank you very much for bringing a smile to my face!


4 thoughts on “Hurricane of Sunshine

  1. Ah Starbucks – for me their Coffee Frapuccino can cure just about anything! Glad you could find smiles in the little things today 🙂


    • Their Frappuccinos are simply delightful, agreed!
      These past few days have all seemed to be about the smaller things, but I guess sometimes, those are the things that make your day. 🙂


    • Curling up with a nice, hot drink from Starbucks and a good book while the outside world is a winter wonderland… You’re making me miss winter very much indeed!


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